Friday, August 29, 2008

Almost September already...

I think the best idea is just to start into this blog as if it hasn't actually been about 85 days since we last blogged. No one noticed, right? Not like anyone has been busy...
I'm guessing your family is a lot like ours: one minute you're enjoying spring flowers and looking forward to summer, and the next thing you know school is back in session and the mornings are getting cool again. Well that certainly happened for us again this year. There's been all kinds of things to talk about...trips with family, lots of studying, stressful jobs, Reece pooping in the potty, etc., etc., etc.
The best thing would probably be to just let the pictures do the talking.... (and these aren't all...we need to post some from Davis family vacation, and several other things later)


Suzy said...

I had *almost* given up hope of ever seeing another Davis post again! Welcome back! :)

P.S. Don't know why I am just realizing this, but Reece totally has Lisa's eyes ... it's most apparent in the 2nd picture in the post. Pretty!

BROOKE said...

Yea! A new post!!! Don't think I wasn't checking all the time... :) Know you're busy...thanks for the update!!! Who is the kid in the 10th photo? He and Reece look so much alike!!!