Monday, October 20, 2008

AU Homecoming...

I don't think we could have ordered up better weather for homecoming. The day was absolutely glorious - the sun shining, cool but not cold, and plenty of friends and family to run around and catch up with. We missed seeing those of you that couldn't attend, but are grateful for the time we had on the paths we did cross. We were fortunate to spend time with my cousin Chad and his wife Jamie (who has always been part of the fam) and their little one Kate. It was fun to watch Reece and Kate interact - dancing, rolling the ball, playing fetch (okay, Reece having Kate fetching for him) and laughing at each other. Thank you catching up with us. Reece and I were also able to have dinner with cousin Brooke, Aunt Twila and Uncle Charles - thanks for inviting us and allowing us to hang out with the Briscoe clan - we loved it.
Reece however, would have been better left in bed all day. As I have told some of you, we believe he is in the process of receiving his two-year molars and was a wreck all morning long on Saturday. He didn't want in the stroller, nor did he want to walk - oh no, he wanted mommy to carry him - not daddy, but mommy and when I would refuse, well, let's just say you could hear his fits all across campus. Ugh!!!!!!!!! Due to his behavior we tried to keep moving and decided to come home instead of going to the game to give him a nap. Guess what?! Reece didn't sleep. He played in his room all afternoon. We tried and tried to get him to lay down, but nothing worked, so we eventually gave up. We were just hoping he would make it through the evening activities. He did - he was in a great mood most of the evening. Yea!!
That evening was my 10 year college reunion. It was so much fun to catch up with my roommates Barbara and Andrea and to also see old college pals. Everyone seemed to be doing well and had great stories to share from the ten years since school. Thanks to those that took the time to show up - it was a blast reminiscing and challenging ourselves with memories from ten years ago.

Here are a few more shots from the weekend:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pumpkin Time...

Last week was fun and miserable all in the same seven days. We made a couple of trips to the pumpkin patch, first to the Smith Family Farms with the AU alumni group and then later in the week to Waterman's with Kendra, David and Grant. Reece loved both trips and we have our pumpkins ready to carve.

While at Smith Family Farms, Reece was able to pet a couple goats, laugh at the pigs, moo at the cows and chase the cats with his cousin Jillian. We thought the rain was going to keep us away, but it held off until we were ready to head home.

Later in the week, Reece had a serious fight with a 24 hour virus. He lost his 'cookies' on the way to the grocery with Joe and then again every half hour for the next 12 hours and then was still sick for another 12... We kept him wrapped up in towels due to having to change his outfit so many times. Wow...We haven't had to deal with something like that in so long. Reece ended up in bed with me (until he fell out at 5am) and poor Joe had the futon. Thank goodness it was only a 24 hour bug.

Over the weekend, Reece and I went to visit Grant, Kendra and David - while Joe studied. Kendra and I took the boys to the new Indianapolis airport. I am excited to see such a fantastic airport being built. The boys had a great time running all over the place and climbing up and down the different trucks that were lined up on the tarmac. They were having such a good time that it was hard to imagine them enjoying themselves any more; however just a few hours later the two of them were at the Waterman's pumpkin patch laughing, running, falling, jumping and picking their special pumpkins. It was a hot day, we got very dirty, but I think every second was worth it.

Coming up this weekend is Homecoming at AU - so lots of orange and black picture ahead! In the meantime, enjoy some of these extra shots:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Family Fun and Toddler Terrors...

This past weekend we took a trip up north to see the Hoover Family. It is always nice to know we are packing up to visit family and allow Reece time to visit with his cousins. Leah and Ellie are so good with Reece, they even had toys out waiting for 'Baby Reece' as they still call him. Of course Reece didn't need toys - he loved watching and following his older twin cousins the whole time. Saturday morning the girls had a soccer game and as freezing cold as it was, they played great! The two of them ran and scored like no others - I know, you aren't suppose to keep score at this age, but these girls rock! Unfortunately, during this time, poor Reece was crying and whining due to the cold. He just wasn't ready for the 'freeze' quite yet. Hmmm.. maybe winter won't be as much fun as I am invisioning... I see the first sled ride, snow fights and snow men, I might have to wake up to reality - we may still be a few years off. After the game, we all warmed up to a true McD's breakfast and allowed the kids to run wild in the playground. Later, they burned off more energy by bouncing and laughing on the large trampoline. The girls were so wonderful with being careful around Reece - while Reece just laughed continously about bouncing and watching the girls flip around.

The toddler terrors is the our fault (me and Joe)...we have continued to let Reece sleep in his toddler bed and while he does a great job at night, his naps are another story. I will put him down at nap time and Reece will pretend to go to sleep and yet five minutes later he is at the gate to his room yelling "mommie..mommiee...". I will yell back at him to go to sleep and will immediately get a resounding "Mnooooo..Mnooooo". On one of these occassions I heard lots of playing, lots of laughing and then all of the sudden it was quiet - when I went to check on him I found Reece reading and rocking in his chair. Ten minutes later I found him sound asleep - if only this worked every time. Are we crazy for trying this??

For those of you asking, Joe is doing well. He is studying hard, writing lots of papers, going to class, working hard and still finding time to love on us and play trains with Reece. Best of all, he is currently 75% finished with classes! Yay!!