Saturday, March 31, 2007

Slept through the night...

It's a red-letter can mark it in the journal as the first night Reece slept through!! Lisa put him down last night around 8:45 pm after a relatively fussy evening...and he woke up with us at 6:15 am as I was getting ready to leave for work! What a blessing.
Of course we don't know if this is something we can expect on a consistent basis...but now we know what's possible. Sleep feels good again!
Have a good weekend.

Friday, March 30, 2007

He keeps getting bigger!!!

Okay, here it is... A place where Nana, Grandmama, Papa and others can come to watch Reece grow, since they can't see him every day. We will do our best to keep up with all of the amazing things that are happening in the J/L/R Davis family.

Love you all-
