As for updates...the main thing is that he's definitely hit a clingy mommy/daddy stage. He's gotta be driving Jenessa and Brooke nuts when they watch him. We're so greatful to them (and others) who partner with us in raising the little guy.
The only excitement of the week was a late night last night with Grandmama, Papa, Kendra/David/Grant. They hung out in Plainfield at Metropolis - which made Lisa excited for the Saxony development to be completed. And I'm really excited for the Waffle House to be completed (just across the street from our neighborhood). Chocolate Chip Pecan doesn't get much better.
Have a good week-
Have you guys been to the new JCPenney yet? It was very exciting to drive around in there and see all the street signs up. :)
Oh, and I bet Reece ROCKS the keyboard!
I'm catching up on your blog....and for the record, Reece was a PERFECT ANGEL the last time he was here!!!! :) :) :) If that was a stage it was a very short one, and we all know that they both have many, many more to go through! It's all in the fun of raising them. I'm so glad we can do it together!
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