Monday, September 10, 2007

Flirting, Hot Dogs and Birthday Cake...

No rest for the weary and Reece is trying to prove he can do without sleep. He is currently wanting to resist any bottles and all naps. I am not sure what he is trying to prove, but hopefully we will get through it. We go and see Dr. Cathy tomorrow and we will get the latest stats and what the future holds. Perhaps we can stop with the formula and bottles and go to milk and maybe Reece will be within the charts on weight and height... but my guess is he is still off all charts! :)

As for the last couple of days, Reece was once again hitting on the girls. This time it was Isabella. She is an older woman (by 12 days) and her mother is a good friend of mine. Amy and I were roommates in college. Amy, Suzy T., Becky B. and I were having lunch and all the while Reece and Bella were enjoying the company of each other. Aren't they cute!

We also spent an evening celebrating a belated birthday for Papa (my - Lisa's dad). A few weeks ago on his birthday we had 4 members of the family all come down with various illnesses - but luckily we have all recovered and could finally wish dad a Happy Birthday! Reece had a great time and enjoyed trying to steal toys from his older cousin.

And as can see by this picture, we spent Sunday afternoon resting. Sunday morning we had a great church service and then stay around church for the famous Heavenly Hotdog Feast. The church kicks off the fall session with a fun pitchin centered around all sorts of themed hot dogs (yes, I know it sounds tasty doesn't it - but really not bad). Reece came home and took a long nap and then turned around and fell asleep again in Joe's arms. Needless to say, Reece was in the best mood after that!
Oh, and I couldn't resist taking this picture... Reece was dragging his blanket all over the living room and it made me flash back to when he was only a week old and we would swaddle him in it. Wow- time flies. Again, isn't he the cutest thing ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, Reece has changed so much in the last 9 months! And today is, in fact, his 9-month birthday, so he's been out as long as he was in there. ;) Congratulations!

P.S. The Bella and Reece picture is SO. CUTE!!!! Hard to believe that little Bella is older than my man Reece. Hee!