Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Too much fun!!...

We're within just a few days of celebrating Reece's 6 month birthday! We can hardly believe that he's been around that long...and we are such proud parents...maybe borderline obnoxious?
Anyway, we had the privilege of getting some 6-month photos shot yesterday by our friends/neighbors Dan and Brooke Brand - Brand Photo & Design. Gotta be honest...I've never thought that "good photography" was much different than "nice camera" or "waste of money". My view has changed...what incredible pictures and memories we have now!! Dan and Brooke are incredible... We spent over 3 hours getting different poses and personalities of Reece...several wardrobe changes, several mood changes, a couple of bottles a quick nap and many many smiles by all of us! Even their little girl Sam (a month younger than Reece) got into the action and helped Reece focus!

Here are a few of the shots from yesterday...
(above is a picture of Dan taking the "Reece in the buff" photo)
(this b&w was early in the shoot...still in the smiley mood)
(this is one of the last pictures of the day...tired as an ape)
You can see several more pictures on Dan and Brooke's blog at
They also did our two family photos to the right. The rest of the images will be posted on a Web site for viewing after they've had time to touch them all up. We'll pass along the address when we get it.


Anonymous said...

YOU GUYS!!!! These are fantastic! I had checked out the Brand website a couple of days ago when you said they'd be doing his pictures, but there were mostly wedding/engagement photos on there and I couldn't get a good idea of what Reece's pics would look like. They are soooo great ... he is so cute!!!! What a beautiful keepsake. I will remember your neighbors when I have my own kids.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I showed the Brands' blog to my friend Heather, who's 7 months pregnant, and she was super-impressed. She asked me for their website so that she can maybe set up a photo shoot for little Sam someday. :) I'm spreading the word!