After group tonight we figured it was time for Reece to have a bath, and since he's outgrown the baby tub, we've now converted it into a sit-up tub that goes in a real bath tub. So, Lisa and I stripped Reece down and got him in the big-boy bathtub. What fun...a great picture is below.
Reece is doing so great with sitting up now...we usually put the boppy around him to cushion the leans and falls, but he's managing on his own quite nicely...
Some time this week we hope to take Reece to the pool for the first be on the lookout for a picture of that. Also, we're taking him for his 6-month photos...Dan and Brook Brand our neighbors and friends will be doing the photo shoot (see their link on the right) and we're sooo excited! Be on the lookout for these photos...we'll let you know how to acquire these gems for yourself.
Have a great week!
Those chubby cheeks in the boppy picture are GREAT!
Congrats on the sitting up!...personally, I can't wait until he crawls..Then you can really start enjoying him, that is, if you can keep up!
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