Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Time with family...and a new toy!

Lots has happened since we posted on Friday. Easter with the family and church was great. Our new pastor and his family are getting settled in Noblesville. God is so good!
Here are a couple of good shots from the weekend...

Although I probably posted a little pre-maturely on the whole "sleeping through the night" thing last week...it's actually happening now! He's making it from 9ish to 6ish most nights! It is incredible how good a night of sleep feels! Lisa has been back at work for a few weeks now, and I am really enjoying working from home a couple mornings a week hanging out with Reece.

Grandmama and Papa Baker are letting Reece borrow a walker and he's loving it! Here he is with his new favorite toy...and a shirt full of drool!

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