Sunday, April 29, 2007

Major milestones...

Lots has happened since we posted on Thursday.
Friday morning while I was playing golf with Ben in Ohio...Reece hit a couple of major milestones! He rolled over for the first time ever! And he grabbed his pacifier off of the tray in front of him and stuck it in his mouth by himself! Big stuff! Oh yeah, one other thing was that we started him on baby food this week! We're four days into experienceing carrots. Unfortunately, he's probably already had more carrots than either of us have eaten in our lives...

Friday night when I got back from golfing, Chad and Jaime Briscoe were able to hang out with us for a while since they were in town for the weekend. We may have a picture for you later...but our camera was out of commission, so none available at this time.

Saturday we went to a surprise birthday party for our friend Andy, which was lots of fun. Happy birthday to him! We also had some people from our neighborhood come over Saturday night, which was a nice chance to get to know them better. And it was a good way for Reece to meet new friends in the neighborhood as well.

Sunday was the 15th anniversary celebration of our church - New Life Community Reece wore his Hawaiian romper (silly word) to celebrate. It was a special gift from Nana!

Then, the Dennistons came over on Sunday evening for small group - and it was a nice evening together.

To recap, the pictures below are - Reece's Easter picture, Reece with Luke and Nate Daniels and Lydia and Levi Denniston on Easter, Reece with Andy Denniston, Reece in Nana's brown suit, and Reece eating carrots.

We're taking a big trip to Atlanta next weekend! Please pray for our safe travel...and for Reece to enjoy the car ride.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Busy couple of days...

On Tuesday night Reece and I went to have dinner with his Aunt Kendra and cousin Grant. Neither kid wanted to sit still for a picture, but then what fun is sitting still. On Wednesday Reece spent time with Grandmama and behaved like an angel. Normally Reece will not smile for the camera, however Joe has been patient and as you can see was finally able to catch a few. Thanks to Nana for the Tennessee outfit and Aunt Sharon for the red cap (we can't wait to wear the outfit that goes with it). Weight and height update: Reece is now weighing 21lbs and measuring 27 inches. :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Being Neighborly...

Last night Reece hung out with a lovely young lady, Samantha Brand. She came over for pizza with her mom and dad, Dan and Brooke, who live across the street. Sam is a month younger, but has also find her voice and chatted with us throughout the night. We learned that the kids do have their own laguage and can actually understand each other. They were sitting all cozy next to each other and talking away when Sam all the sudden got fussy and wanted to move -- a moment later Reece spit up all over where Sam had been.... Nice move Samantha!

******UPDATE - I just received pictures of Reece and Sam from February 8th. It will be so much fun to watch these two grow up! The first picture is from February, the other two are from April 23rd!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Time to meet Uncle Chad!

Lisa's cousin Chad Briscoe was in town on Friday night...and Reece was soooo happy to finally meet more of his family.
He talks alot about all of the other family members he hasn't met yet - and can't wait for you to be on the blog, too!
The other friend he met for the first time today was the oscillating fan...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

High time to eat....

Alright, I figured it was time mom wrote in and shared her day with Reece. And what a day we had! Reece has started having spoonfed rice cereal along with his bottle feedings. This means we are entering the messy stages, I don't know if Joe and I are ready for this but Reece is! He ate like a pro. He was also excited to sit in his high chair that our friends the McDonalds passed down (he loves sitting up). Breakfast was a little slow going, but with Grandmama (Lisa's mom) holding him - Reece gobbled up his lunch. We decided that he was in need of cereal after seeing the picture of him in just his diaper --- he looked as though we are starving him! See if you don't agree.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Fun week...

There is honestly something new about him every day! He's able to sit up on his own for a few seconds...he can babble on for minutes at a time...he can even sport a tie! Here is a picture of what he wore to church yesterday (before pooping all over it) and a couple of pictures of Monday morning with daddy...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Time with family...and a new toy!

Lots has happened since we posted on Friday. Easter with the family and church was great. Our new pastor and his family are getting settled in Noblesville. God is so good!
Here are a couple of good shots from the weekend...

Although I probably posted a little pre-maturely on the whole "sleeping through the night" thing last's actually happening now! He's making it from 9ish to 6ish most nights! It is incredible how good a night of sleep feels! Lisa has been back at work for a few weeks now, and I am really enjoying working from home a couple mornings a week hanging out with Reece.

Grandmama and Papa Baker are letting Reece borrow a walker and he's loving it! Here he is with his new favorite toy...and a shirt full of drool!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday with Nana...

Nana (Joe's mom) came to town today to hang out with Reece. Joe and Ben were supposed to play golf today...but the weather helped us change our mind. So Lisa went to work, and Joe/Reece/Nana went to the mall, ate lunch, did some shopping...and now we're on our way to Good Friday service. Here's a great shot of Nana and Reece at play!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Making new friends...

This morning Reece and Joe hung out with good friends Adam and Gage Farmer. It was the first time the boys were able to meet one another...

They were born just 3 weeks apart...Gage was stubborn and made sure his parents couldn't cash in on the tax credit...being born on January 3rd.

Later in the evening Reece played Superman with mommy and daddy...check out these great shots!
We can't wait to see Nana tomorrow night!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A little catch-up...

We thought it would be a good idea to catch you up on Reece's first 3 1/2 here are the top ten pictures!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Baby's first workout

He likes to run!! Okay, maybe he doesn't like to run...but he likes for daddy to run.

A little jog in the baby stroller (thanks to Aunt Ruth, cousin Rachelle and cousin Anne) turned a fussy baby into a happy sleeping baby! Altogether a very fun, and fit, night.
Here is a picture of the post-workout strip-down...

More later...