Sunday, November 2, 2008

We like Treating...

As everyone knows last Friday was Halloween and yes, we joined in on the costume fun. The weather was fantastic! I wasn't sure though, if we would be okay, I thought Reece might be frightened by all the strangers coming by and that he would be too intimidated to go knocking on our neighbors doors. Boy was I wrong. Reece got the idea of what to do immediately. He sat at the front door pointing as people walked up and then when we moved to the driveway, Reece would run to greet them with a fistful of candy ready to be dropped in their buckets. This was his favorite activity of the night. We ran out of candy early because he gave so much away. A little later when I asked if he wanted to go 'trick or treating' - Reece immediately grabbed a pumpkin bucket and ran down the driveway. He had no fear and was great at saying 'Thank You' for the candy. Unfortunately we were walking with Brooke and Sam but Reece kept leaving Sam behind. I guess candy outweighs the girls right now - sorry Sam (Dan you can breathe better now). Overall, I would say that the night was a success. Not too much candy and still plenty of sleep. Yea!

A couple of other recent events for Reece have been a weekend visit from Nana (Joe's mom), swim lessons and a new full sentence. Nana came and spent lots of time chasing, laughing, tickling, survived a night with three Davis grandkids. Mom Davis was able to spend quality time with her Reece and then topped off her trip by watching Reece, Jillian and Lauren on Saturday evening. She survived, was a little winded, but has enough memories to fill another scrapbook.
During this past week, Reece decided to enlighten me with his first 3 word sentence. I was thrilled, that is - I was thrilled until I heard it for a thousand times in an hour. His sentence is "I want this!". It was so cute the first time he said it. I was making cookies for friends and Reece wanted to help. He wanted to help me roll the dough, unfortunately he wanted to keep helping me even when we were all done and then later he wanted to eat one and then found he wanted something else and then then something else... it is amazing how many times you can use that sentence... I know hear this in my sleep! I WANT THIS!

I don't have pictures, but we have started Reece in swim classes and he absolutely loves it. Joe and I were both able to go and to our surprise we were the only ones in the class. Which was great for us, more time and attention. You can't beat that. Again I didn't give my child enough credit - I was really afraid he wouldn't enjoy it or that he would be too excited to get in and listen to the teacher, however neither were the case. Reece was great. He listened to the teacher... so much so that she asked if he was always so serious. Hmmm... Nope. Not at all. And he did everything she asked him to do. I am so excited to see what we can continue teaching him. So amazing how these little minds are eager to soak up new information. Reminds me more and more the importance of what we need to teaching!
Enjoy a few extra shots. In a couple of these pictures he is with the big kids at the daycare... He loves going there and hanging out.


Anonymous said...

Only Reece can make a Bears jersey look absolutely adorable. He looks SO grown-up in the picture of him running away from Sharon!

BROOKE said...

It was SOOOO good to see you on Halloween!!! We just haven't gotten our Davis fix this late summer/fall!!! :) Posted photos on our blog cute! Let's do it again soon! (Well, maybe not the Halloween thing, but let's get together!) :) Love you guys!

Unknown said...

I was just writing in Reece's journal and decided to check out the blog. GREAT new pix. I will let you know which ones I REALLY need. Okay? Love you bunches!